Case Study - Muna
Muna, owner of a PCA and homemaking business, has 30-40 clients and 35 caregivers. Spending 15-20 minutes per timesheet, entering data and billing information into the state portal, was tedious. Batch billing all at once (with Caretap) was the perfect solution to make it a breeze.
What was your process like prior to using Caretap?
- Before caretap managing PCAs was really difficult, because we have over 40 PCAs and trying to keep track of clients using a spreadsheet was difficult.
What is it like now with Caretap?
- After the system, managing client employees is so much easier.
- With caretap we can put in all the hours for all the employees, like she worked at 7am and left at 10am, and keeps track of how many hours and units and we can go through day by day and put it in there and after we're done we submit it. A batch goes into one group when submitted. So now it only takes about a day to go through instead of 3-4 days like before
How would you rate our support team?
- Super fast
- Really great in getting back to me and fixing everything I need- the longest it has ever taken was only a few hours- which is nothing compared to before. When I call DHS it takes so much longer.
What would you say to other agencies considering Caretap?
- I highly recommend it, it'll save so much paper and time in general